Adonis Golden Ratio Measurement Calculator

Body Part Ideal Measurement (inches) Ideal Measurement (centimeters)
Waist (Height * 1/(sqrt(5))
Non-Dominant Wrist (20% of waist)
Flexed Arms 1 (50% of waist)
Flexed Arms 2 (250% of wrist)
Shoulders (Waist * φ)
Chest Circumference 1 (50% of height)
Chest Circumference 2 (650% of wrist)
Chest Circumference 3 (Waist / .77)
Chest Circumference 4 (Waist * φ * 90%)
Upper Leg Circumference (175% of knee)
Calves (75% of upper leg)

Calculations based on research from the following sites: Iron Built Fitness, Ignore Limits, and Legion Athletics.